Sunday 23 January 2011

2011 Let the blogging commence.

Hey Everyone oh o.k it has been almost a month since 2011 happened lol but Jan has been a bit of a busy month so far. I have been thinking of starting up a blog for a while now but was never getting anytime but this year am gonna make sure I do!! I think its important to have a form of self expression and for someone like me who likes to write I really do I have lost count of the notebooks I have. O.k that probably is sounding majorly nerdy now but it just means I like taking notes it helps me remember and think about things, 

I wanted to set this up because I spend the xmas period learning about loads things which I would to share with other people. Hey we can only learn from others right. I will be blogging about various things films, books, quotes and anything that I think may be interesting or funny. Oh and if you don't think its interesting that's cool we all have opinions so feel free to make comments and if you  want to debate about anything that's cool too lol am always up for challenge he he. 

I have spending alot of time reading many different books this as got me thinking about many different things. In general I tended to read mainly fiction but more recently I am reading more biographies and books based on true life experiences. This has helped me to think about my life. Without becoming too deep I want this year to be about change and moving forward. I had many doubts last year some of these doubts kept me standing still. I want to put into action all the things that I want to achieve I think the key thing for me is to gain more self -confidence. I can only do this of I have belief in myself and not give up or let anyone get to me. I think I let many situations get to me far too much and it shouldn't of really mattered. If people want to dismiss me that's fine have decided many those people aren't worth it.

I watched a really interesting movie yesterday called 'Thumbsucker' O.k it wasn't a typical commercial movie a very small indie movie but it had some big names in it including Tilda Swinton and Keanu Reeves. The basic plot was about a 17 year boy who doesn't quite fit in anywhere and sucks his thumb on a regular basis. O.k it stands strange and not much incentive watch it right. However the story deals with some interesting themes how we try to change ourselves so that we can fit in. The journey he encounters is bitter-sweet because the most important thing I think he learns is accepting who is and that there isn't  actual anything wrong with him. The film to be me was about how we deal about accepting who we are. This is something I had alot of trouble dealing with last year. However I think this is something we all deal with. We worry a lot of the time perceiving how others see us but it should also be important how we see ourselves.If we want to change something about ourselves what can we do to get there. O.k this is easier said then done but I am hoping this year I look at myself and see what I do to help me grow as a person . Not change who I am because I know I am a good person and my friends love me for who I am. Something really stayed in my head last year someone said to me 'You should always be true to yourself no matter what cause otherwise you are not expressing who you really are.' This has really stayed with in a positive way and I think my intuition should be like my Sat Nav and I should be honest because otherwise I am not being true to me am I!!