Friday 16 March 2012

Check out the Careerstylist website

Please check out this really fab website out

This is a really positive website that I came across on twitter. There are some really great videos and tips that may help others think about what they really want from their lives and if they need to change anything!!

I also went on a coaching session with Beth who runs this website. It was a really empowering experience for me. Since I had my session with her I have been more focused about where I want to be and how I can actually get there. If you feel stuck by anything then you should see if coaching and the tips that are on this website could help you. It's really changed how I see myself as I was letting a lack of self belief in my abilities hold me back!! Since I have had this experience I feel that I can really do what I want to and have so much more belief in my capabilities.

It may sound to good to be true but if you take this on with an open mind as I always do with most things, you may be pleasantly surprised. I wanted to tell others about this because its really impacted on me in a good way so wanted to share!! Even if you aren't interested in her coaching this website is such a great resource and should be promoted. :)!!