Monday 6 August 2012

Being Grateful for all the good things!!

We all moan about our life from time to time but we should all remember the things that make our life great!! For me this is my family, friends and the fact I am lucky to have alot of people who love me for who I am as a person. I think we should always love each other for who we truly are as that is how god created us.

As individuals we all have bad days, we get angry, annoyed and are all selfish to some degree but if you feel guilty about your bad behaviour guess that's your conscience's way of telling you something. Well mine does if I do something bad lol!! Or was that just because my mum was quite scary when I was a child and thus I have kept a bit of that with me even as a adult lol!!

I have been thinking alot about all the good things in my life. There is alot of love from the people in my life. I also care about about many people and know many fab people. I was thinking about all the times when people irritate me because they seem too consumed with their lives. However what right to have to pass that judgement. As someone who believes in the man upstairs I think he is the only one who can judge them not me. Also recently I have been thinking about how we take so many things for granted. Our family, our house and our health our youthfulness etc. We all think all these things will last forever but life doesn't work like that. As all things ultimately have to come to end, I am not being negative here just realistic. We should all cherish the good things and hold on to the wonderful memories we share with people because life passes by us quicker then we all think.

So whatever you are grateful for remember to love those who truly love you and be thankful that your life has been blessed with so many good things. Yes sometimes when we have a horrible day or argue with a loved one it may not feel like that but life is never as bad as it seems. We just all sometimes get sucked into the drama of life and forgot all that is truly wonderful. So whatever it is that makes you happy take some time to think about it, be grateful and treasure life!! :)!!