Monday 6 August 2012

Being Grateful for all the good things!!

We all moan about our life from time to time but we should all remember the things that make our life great!! For me this is my family, friends and the fact I am lucky to have alot of people who love me for who I am as a person. I think we should always love each other for who we truly are as that is how god created us.

As individuals we all have bad days, we get angry, annoyed and are all selfish to some degree but if you feel guilty about your bad behaviour guess that's your conscience's way of telling you something. Well mine does if I do something bad lol!! Or was that just because my mum was quite scary when I was a child and thus I have kept a bit of that with me even as a adult lol!!

I have been thinking alot about all the good things in my life. There is alot of love from the people in my life. I also care about about many people and know many fab people. I was thinking about all the times when people irritate me because they seem too consumed with their lives. However what right to have to pass that judgement. As someone who believes in the man upstairs I think he is the only one who can judge them not me. Also recently I have been thinking about how we take so many things for granted. Our family, our house and our health our youthfulness etc. We all think all these things will last forever but life doesn't work like that. As all things ultimately have to come to end, I am not being negative here just realistic. We should all cherish the good things and hold on to the wonderful memories we share with people because life passes by us quicker then we all think.

So whatever you are grateful for remember to love those who truly love you and be thankful that your life has been blessed with so many good things. Yes sometimes when we have a horrible day or argue with a loved one it may not feel like that but life is never as bad as it seems. We just all sometimes get sucked into the drama of life and forgot all that is truly wonderful. So whatever it is that makes you happy take some time to think about it, be grateful and treasure life!! :)!!

Friday 11 May 2012

These are three words which I have been thinking of all week!!

 This week has been a very busy week for me at work a 3 day has seemed longer then the normal week lol. I like keeping busy but these three words have been buzzing in my head all week and what I think about them. Have been learning many lessons so hope you at least read what I have to say as your take may differ!!

Selfishness- I put a status on my facebook last month "selfishness breeds ugliness". I am not sure where I came up with that one lol. However that word is something I have been thinking alot about. We are all capable of being selfish its all in us and anyone who says they aren't selfish look in the mirror next time you say that lol!! Have you ever sat on train or bus and seen someone who may need that seat more then you but you but not got up!! That doesn't make you a bad person lol but it is selfish. In the same way we may expect  alot from family or loved ones like an expensive gift. Or giving yourself a bigger portion of the dessert you made but a smaller piece to someone else, the list goes on. However I have realised that people can also be selfish in a work context as well not looking out for the welfare of your colleagues and seeing your own needs ahead of theirs is also selfish. Whatever your interpretation of this word its around us all the time and ultimately everyday. 

 Judgement - To be judged by a court of law is one thing but to be judged by others is a regular occurrence. We are judged everyday of our lives. Whether this be the clothes we wear, the university we attend or the area we live in. Its something we have to live with. Everyone handles it differently. For me what makes me annoyed about this word is that we sometimes feel its ok to judge someone without knowing all the facts.  We also all make judgements about others also. That fact that we make a judgement about someone within the first 5 seconds we meet them is quite sad!! This may depend on the individual I always like to give people the benefit of the doubt. Perhaps this makes me nice but I would rather be that then make a false judgement about someone. I really do believe we can learn something from everyone we meet even if they aren't our cup of tea. 

Genuineness - Honesty is something which is very important to me as a person. I believe in order to be honest however you also need to be Genuine with it. I have noticed not just this week but for a long time that so many people pretend to be someone they just aren't. Why can't people be open and honest and show their genuine selves. I have noticed that many people seem to hiding behind a mask that they almost don't want to reveal. What is so bad that they can't be true to themselves and others around them? Its also made me realise I have met many people in my but the number of genuine  people I have met and when I say that I mean very genuine and loyal is a number that can be counted on hands!!

Friday 16 March 2012

Check out the Careerstylist website

Please check out this really fab website out

This is a really positive website that I came across on twitter. There are some really great videos and tips that may help others think about what they really want from their lives and if they need to change anything!!

I also went on a coaching session with Beth who runs this website. It was a really empowering experience for me. Since I had my session with her I have been more focused about where I want to be and how I can actually get there. If you feel stuck by anything then you should see if coaching and the tips that are on this website could help you. It's really changed how I see myself as I was letting a lack of self belief in my abilities hold me back!! Since I have had this experience I feel that I can really do what I want to and have so much more belief in my capabilities.

It may sound to good to be true but if you take this on with an open mind as I always do with most things, you may be pleasantly surprised. I wanted to tell others about this because its really impacted on me in a good way so wanted to share!! Even if you aren't interested in her coaching this website is such a great resource and should be promoted. :)!!

Sunday 26 February 2012

Have a little respect!!

Respect can mean many different things to many different people. To me respect is about making sure you make time for other people and you respect who they are as an individual and not try to change them. People will always be judgemental you can't stay about from that but as long as you respect the people who show you love and support that should be the most important thing!!

It is also important to have respect for yourself if you don't value yourself as a person and look at all the qualities you have how can you be expected to respect anyone else. Society says that many of the youth of today don't respect their elders and maybe this is partly true. However if you aren't taught to show care and respect for others how can learn respect!! Many young people don't feel teachers care for them and so their attitude is I have no right to show any respect.This mentality isn't right but it is how many youngsters of today feel.

I am currently reading Martin Luther King's autobiography it is a very interesting read and the theme of respect is something which is evident whilst reading it. People didn't treat people equally durning that time and in some cases issues of inequality, racism and class and gender discrimination are still ongoing in some parts of the world. Respect for me is about seeing everyone as an individual person and fundamentally a human being. We should respect people's religious beliefs, sexuality and gender. Individual societies have different rules but if you show respect to others as people you should gain that respect in return.

Thursday 9 February 2012

Cyber bullying on Panaroma

Did anyone see the latest episode on cyber bullying that panorama broadcast earlier this week. If you didn't then watch it. Especially if you work with or have young teenagers and children. I would recommend watching it on BBC I player. Or even if you are a parent yourself. It was quite an eyeopener!!

Cyber bullying has been going on for a number of years and the media usually blames Facebook!! There's a surprise but the growth and emergence of all these websites like little gossip and form spring which I hadn't heard of until I saw Panorama the other day. Is showing how social networking can cause people to anonymously antongise a lot of young innocent people into share terror. Yes many of these documentaries are designed to make a solid point and can sometimes appear bias. However it also showed how some people called"Cyber Trolls" as they are termed, who obviously have alot of time on their hands cause chaos to some people's lives.

Just to add  that as much as we depend on social networks to share special moments and memories. It is now sometimes being abused and used vindictively by people who have no shame or integrity. So if you have a younger brother or sister or even a cousin on one of these networks i.e Bebo etc. It may be better to monitor how they use it. Facebook has privacy settings as those other networks i.e Twitter etc but these people are ruthless and have absolutely no mercy!! So be warned.