Sunday 26 February 2012

Have a little respect!!

Respect can mean many different things to many different people. To me respect is about making sure you make time for other people and you respect who they are as an individual and not try to change them. People will always be judgemental you can't stay about from that but as long as you respect the people who show you love and support that should be the most important thing!!

It is also important to have respect for yourself if you don't value yourself as a person and look at all the qualities you have how can you be expected to respect anyone else. Society says that many of the youth of today don't respect their elders and maybe this is partly true. However if you aren't taught to show care and respect for others how can learn respect!! Many young people don't feel teachers care for them and so their attitude is I have no right to show any respect.This mentality isn't right but it is how many youngsters of today feel.

I am currently reading Martin Luther King's autobiography it is a very interesting read and the theme of respect is something which is evident whilst reading it. People didn't treat people equally durning that time and in some cases issues of inequality, racism and class and gender discrimination are still ongoing in some parts of the world. Respect for me is about seeing everyone as an individual person and fundamentally a human being. We should respect people's religious beliefs, sexuality and gender. Individual societies have different rules but if you show respect to others as people you should gain that respect in return.

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