Wednesday 16 October 2013

What I love most in the world!!

Its been a while since I wrote a personal blog but thought its about time I did!!

If you know me personally you will know these are some of the things I absloulty love but if not please read below. 

1. Music its the essence of life listening to it makes everything seem better and it gives us hope,inspiration and keeps us going!! Listening to music I love makes me smile and always makes me feel better!!

2. Family and Friends - My family and friends are very important to me they never give up on me and help me believe in myself even when I don't!! Having a loving family is so important and although they drive me crazy at times I would be lost without them too!! My true friends have always been a constant thing in my life and for that I am eternally grateful :)!! Also someone very important has entered my life recently lol my husband!! He always supports me,listens and doesn't judge me!! Think would truly be lost without him :)!!

3. Flims -. There is something about watching your favorite film or a really good movie. Especially if you watch a feel good film it gives you some time to forgot about a bad day and focus on the good things in your life. I especially love to watch movies when I am ill it always makes me feel better. Some of my favorite feel good films and yes some of them a bit old but its the oldies that are usually the best lol!! Back to future,Up, As good as it gets, Enchanted, Jerry Maguire,School of Rock, The Apartment, Tangled, Short circuit, Big, I love you Man,Little Miss Sunshine, Pleasantville, Untouchable,Stand by Me,When Harry met Sally,Dead poets society, The Breakfast club, Shawshank Redemption and Amelie.

4. Careers and empolyablity- These are two things which I am really passionate about!! I want everyone to have a career and job they really love and enjoy what they do. Don't just do a job because thats what society expects from you!! Do it because you want to and you truely love it everyday!! I think its important for all of us to help not just the youth out there but everyone out there about employablity. If you have gone on the empolyablity jounrey its important to share some of the things that you did or infact the mistakes you may of made perphaps this will help other people who need or want a job!! These two things are a passion for me and anyone who hasn't visited my careers blog and site yet please do so!!

I started my blog with the mission of helping others get careers information in an accessible way. Please visit this site After this I also developed my site where I provide tailor made services for all of you job hunting and looking for careers advice. I have also recently developed my own webshow sgcareers and spoken about some some topics linked to careers advice and education. I hope to do more of these in the future so please watch this space!! 

5. Writing - I love to write and if anyone already reads my posts for my blogs you will already know about this. Writing is a great passion for me it allows me to express my opinions on a range of topics etc and display why I am passionate about something or why I think something isn't right etc. I also feel if I don't write I am not at my best. We may have many thoughts going on in that brain of ours and we all express our emotions differently. For me expressing my emotions through writing seems to be the best way for me. 

These are just some of the things I love to find out more about sgcareers please contact me at Follow me on twitter at @sgcareers27 or visit and like my facebook page 


Soma x 

1 comment:

  1. I agree with u on the job thing soma, one shld really work not for the society to stand upto to their expectations, but for us and for what we believe in. That brings the true joy and add colors to our life :)
