Saturday 12 February 2011

Are we obbessed with social network sites!!

O.k who doesn't belong to a social network site umm not many people right!! I saw Social Network last night the movie based around the guy who invented Facebook. It was a very good movie with great acting a fab screenplay and really talented actors. The themes and story in the film got me thinking about how obsessed we are with face-book. I can't remember a time when if I wasn't able to text someone or didn't have their number as an alternative  I would say I will sent you a mess on fbk or add you!! It's become a cultural phenomenon,

The guy who invented facebook was not portrayed not  in a very favorable light but it just showed if you are ambitious, arrogant and cunning enough to achieve something big it will happen.He actually stepped  on and used a lot of people to get to where he wanted to be!! He says towards the end of the film he isn't a bad guy and I believe whilst watching it he wasn't but sometimes circumstances turn you into someone who seems like a bad person because he lied and deceived a lot of people to get to where he was. This guy was so obbessed with becoming popular and being someone he lost sight of what really mattered. He betrayed his one and only true friend who was willing to vouch for him up till the end untill he sued him lol. We are all addicted to face book in one way or another whether it be the app we use on our phone to change our status or put a new profile pic up everyday yes people do this(not judging anyone here). However I don't think I will see facebook in quite the same light anymore. 

Its interesting how talented this guy was yeah the idea may not of fully been his but he was a good student. Greed, power and his need of wanting to prove he was someone instead of him just trying to be himself. He didn't have many friends because he wasn't particular nice and even at the begining came across someone who was very arrogant. The problem with arrogance is you sometimes need to let go of it cos if you don't it will ultimately destroy you. Well I think so anyways!! 

I do check facebook everyday  but like many others its a tool for me to stay in touch with some family that live abroad and say hi to people I don't get to see that much. However I don't really see the need for apps like farmville etc because I really don't have time for anything like that. Facebook does have its pros and cons and whatever way you look it I can't imagine not having it either!!

1 comment:

  1. You should be a life coach! I like the introspective touch to your film reviews. So much better than a scene-by-scene recounting of the plot. Also, I plead guilty to excessive profile pic changing - will try to stop!
