Saturday 12 February 2011

Taking things for Granted!!

O.k Come this is something we are all guilty of doing at some point or another. I know I take things for granted everyday whether it be a certain train I need to take to get me to work or that I will always have my my house keys on me lol. Cos sometimes we can't control delays in our journeys or forgetting to pack certain things in our bag. 

Also we sometimes take people for granted whether this be family,friends or colleagues. We just sometimes expect certain people to be there or give us what we want without thinking about it. The reason why I wanted to talk about taking things for granted is that sometimes we are so busy moaning about what is wrong with our lives we actually forgot what is good.

I went to see the King's Speech last weekend and it got me thinking so many people suffer and have so many difficutlies in life his difficulty was the inability to speak for a long time due to his stammer. So many people stammer or can't walk or can't do so many things. It made me think wow I have never really actually tried to put myself in their shoes cause we always think 'oh we are alright'. Or 'It's never going to happen to us is it'. Thing is though we don't know what is around the corner so we should maybe try to think about the good things and appreciate what we do have. Nothing is certain in life and sometimes we also want to obtain more then we actually have whether this be money a promotion a new car etc. Thing is though these are all material things and such things can't make one happy because you can only be happy once you realize your self worth and what you actually want in life. I am hoping that I don't take things for granted so much because ultimately I believe I have a lot to be thankful for and so do many others!!

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