Sunday 5 June 2011

Gaga or Not !!

I am not a lady gaga fan but I was watching MTV the other day randomly and happened to see the bad romance video. I admit I do like the song probably the only song of hers I like. Also cos the glee cast did a good version lol maybe cos I understood the lyrics finally cos when she sings it I can only half understand what she says!! Anyways whilst watching this video it got me thinking how can this woman be the topic of so many headlines and be such a cultural phenomenon. Is she pretending to be like that or is she really as gaga as she seems. Personally I don't get!! I mean maybe I am being a bit of a prude for a lady in a her late 20s but no way would I have been allowed to watch this video when I was about young teenager also I am not sure it would of been made. Its kinda scary with the monster like costumes and burning a bloke at the end. Don't get wrong I get what she's trying  to say but as a teenager I think it would confuse me more about the opposite sex maybe that's just me. Also many of her videos promote this message to hate men!! As they sometimes seem to be the enemy.

I do think she loves the controversy though she is definitely a attention seeker why else would you put a cola can in your hair right?? A lot of people have compared her to Madonna but to be honest she is no Madonna I actually think Madonna had raw talent but maybe that's just me. I am not saying Lady Gaga is talentless but it almost seems like she lives off the attention she gets from the media and deliberately does things that are off the wall to get people talking. Alot of people would say she is clever because she has got people talking right hey all publicity in America is good publicity and its seems to have worked for her. What gets to me about her is what is her influence doing the young people who are fans!!! I mean it almost seems like Lady Gaga is a bit of mirage. She seems unreal but she genuinely advocates herself as being like she is I really doubt that OK I am cynic but I am thinking about what her true appeal is??? The costumes in her videos are noteworthy and innovative and her music is different to current artists but what makes her so appealing to others. I mean telephone the song that song was number 1 for ages and I just don't understand why!!

It probably sounds like I am bad mouthing poor gaga a bit but I guess I am intrigued at how someone to me who is moderately talented is getting so much attention. Why are so many people simply Gaga over Lady Gaga personally I am getting feeling the appeal. Answers on a postcard please. 

Oh and maybe if Gaga was portrayed as a goody two shoes like she is below she wouldn't be as famous as she is!! Well its def got me thinking she def has talent here check it out the unseen lady gaga yes that really is her!!

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