Sunday 5 June 2011

Nobody's Perfect

An Apt title for Jessie J's Song see the lyrics here.

I think we all make mistakes but we don't necessarily admit to them right. When I first listened to this song a few months ago it got me thinking about a disagreement I had with a now ex friend. It made me realise I was at fault but also I felt like if I didn't express my true feelings I also wasn't being true to myself. Nobody's perfect is really a true adage. I know I am not perfect I have a have a temper from time to time but I also believe a have strong set of principles. We can only do what we think is right I guess right? I really think intuition is a very good road to follow when you don't know which way to go. 

We all have good and bad points I guess that's what makes us human right? Sometimes we fall out with friends/family for silly reasons but if people are true and genuine they should forgive you I guess its one of those lessons in life we have to learn. Even when we think we have learned from it we still sometimes get it wrong. Well I still am lol !! Also if people can't forgive you or forgot you imperfections maybe they just weren't worth it. I am not saying you should ignore your own faults but sometimes you can't change who you are. If you can like who are you warts and all shouldn't that be enough.

Also I think its important that we don't regret things if you make a mistake with someone you should be brave enough to face up to it. Sometimes that's easier said then done. We all regret things we have done in the past but I think its what we learn about ourselves from such incidents that really matter. Life is about making mistakes we should learn to forgive be understanding and help others when we see fit. Don't get me wrong we all have our off days and I am no saint. These are my own beliefs I am spouting here but we should realise that the world is already quite a tough place anyway and without consideration and compassion for others what do we have. I am not saying we should forgive criminals or murderers but I am sure people who have done truly horrible things and harmed others deeply will live with the consequences.So we should try and get along as best we can and not be cruel for the sake of it. Unless you are just a cruel person and if that be the case then that's fine but that is a bit pitiful really because there is always a  reason behind why a person is the way they are and behave.

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